[buy CDs/DVDs online]
- Official original German and UK releases -
- Tone Float 20.38
- Milk Rock 5.24
- Silver Forest 3.18
- Rhythm Salad 4.04
- Noitasinagro 7.46 (RCA Victor SF8111)
Recorded late 1969 at Conny Plank studio as 'ORGANISATION': Ralf Hütter (organ), Florian Schneider (flute and violin), Basel Hammoudi (vocals), Butch Hauf (bass) and Fred Monicks (drums).
Nov 1970 | German LP | KRAFTWERK |
- Ruckzuck 7.47
- Stratovarius 12.10
- Megaherz 9.30
- Von Himmel hoch 10.12 (Philips 6305 058)
Recorded July-Sep 1970 at Kraftwerk Studio in Düsseldorf by Ralf Hütter, Florian Schneider (electronic percussion), Andreas Hohman (drums) and Klaus Dinger (drums).
Produced and engineered by Conrad Plank and Kraftwerk.
1970 | German acetate 12" | Ruckzack / Himmel Hoch |
Ruckzack 3.53 / Himmel Hoch 4.28 (Philips)
This indicates that a single was planned, with these shorter versions.
Jan 1972 | German LP | KRAFTWERK 2 |
- Klingklang 17.36
- Atem 2.57
- Strom 3.52
- Spule 4 (5.20)
- Wellenlänge 9.40
- Harmonika 3.17 (Philips 6305 117)
Recorded 26 Sep - 1 Oct 1971 at Kraftwerk Studio in Düsseldorf and Star Musik Studio in Hamburg by
Ralf Hütter (rhythm machine, organ, electric piano, glockenspiel, harmonium and bass) and Florian Schneider (guitar, flute, glockenspiel etc).
Produced and engineered by Conrad Plank and Kraftwerk.
Nov 1973 | LP/MC | RALF & FLORIAN |
- Elektrisches Roulette 4.19
- Tongebirge 2.50
- Kristallo 6.18
- Heimatklänge 3.45
- Tanzmusik 6.34
- Ananas Symphonie 13.55 (German LP/MC: Philips 6305 197/7105 147)
Recorded May-July 1973 at Kraftwerk Studio in Düsseldorf, Cornet and Rhenus studios in Cologne and Studio 70 in Munich
by Ralf Hütter and Florian Schneider.
late Dec 1973 | German 7" | Kohoutek - Kometenmelodie |
Kohoutek - Kometenmelodie (Version 1) 4.08 / Kohoutek - Kometenmelodie (Version 2) 4.29 (Philips 6003 356)
Early versions of Kometenmelodie. This single must have been recorded in a rush in late 1973, because they named it after the comet 'Kohoutek'
and obviously wanted to ride on the wave of its increasing popularity. I found some info at
"The period of naked eye visibility spanned the end of November 1973 until late January 1974.
Initially touted as the 'Comet of the Century', it put on what was considered a disappointing display."
Nov 1974 | LP/MC (+ CD) | AUTOBAHN |
- Autobahn 22.40
- Kometenmelodie 1 6.25
- Kometenmelodie 2 5.44
- Mitternacht 3.40
- Morgenspaziergang 4.03 (German LP/MC Nov 1974: Philips 6305 231/7105 181)
Recorded 1974 by Ralf Hütter, Florian Schneider, Klaus Roeder and Wolfgang Flur.
Feb to Spring 1975 | International 7" | Autobahn |
Autobahn 3.36 [US Single Version] / Morgenspaziergang 4.02 (US 7" Feb 1975: Vertogo, VE 203)
Autobahn 3.28 [German Single Version - shorter fade-out than US] / Morgenspaziergang 4.02 (German 7" Spring 1975: Philips 6003 438)
Autobahn 3.06 [UK Single Version] / Kometenmelodie 1 (6.20) (UK 7" 4 May 1975: Vertigo 6147 012)
July 1975 | German 7" | Kometenmelodie 2 |
Kometenmelodie 2 (3.05) [German Single Version] / Mitternacht 4.40 (German 7": Philips 6003 466)
later 1975 | UK 7" | Comet Melody |
Comet Melody 2 (2.49 ) [UK Single Version] / Kristallo 6.19 [from RALF & FLORIAN 1973] (UK 7": Vertigo 6147 015)
- Geiger Counter / Geigerzähler 1.04
- Radioactivity / Radioaktivität 6.41
- Radioland 5.51
- Airwaves / Ätherwellen 4.40
- Intermission / Sendepause 0.38
- News / Nachrichten 1.17
- The Voice of Energy / Die Stimme der Energie 0.54
- Antenna / Antenne 3.43
- Radio Stars / Radio Sterne 3.33
- Uranium / Uran 1.26
- Transistor 2.13
- Ohm Sweet Ohm 5.36 (UK LP: Capitol Records E-ST 11457; German LP: Kling Klang 1C 062-82 087)
Recorded in October 1975 by Ralf Hütter, Florian Schneider, Wolfgang Flur and Karl Bartos.
Feb 1976 | 7" | Radioactivity / Radioaktivität |
Radioactivity 3.18 [Single Version] / Antenna 3.05 [Single Version] (UK 7": Capitol CL 15853)
Radioaktivität 3.18 [Single Version] / Antenne 3.05 [Single Version] (German 7": Kling Klang/EMI 1C 006 82119)
- Europe Endless / Europa Endlos 9.35
- The Hall of Mirrors / Spiegelsaal 7.50
- Showroom Dummies / Schaufensterpuppen 6.09 [French vocal version "Les Mannequins" on French LP]
- Trans-Europe Express / Trans Europa Express 6.52
- Metal on Metal 6.39 / Metal auf Metal 2.10 + Abzug 4.42
- Franz Schubert 4.25
- Endless Endless 0.54 (UK LP: Capitol Records/EMI E-ST 11603/0C 062-85 110; German LP: Kling Klang 1C 064-82 306)
Recorded at Klingklang Studio in Düsseldorf by Ralf Hütter (electronics & voice), Florian Schneider (electronics & voice), Karl Bartos (electronic percussion) and Wolfgang Flur (electronic percussion).
7 April 1977 | 7" | Trans Europe Express / Trans Europa Express |
Trans Europe Express 3.44 [Single Version] / Europe Endless 3.37 [Single Version] (UK 7": Capitol CL 15917)
Trans Europa Express 3.53 [Single Version] / Franz Schubert 3.25 [Single Version] (German 7": Kling Klang/EMI 1C-006-85077)
14 Sep 1977 | 7"/12" | Showroom Dummies |
Showroom Dummies 2.43 [Single Version] / Europe Endless 3.37 [Single Version] (UK 7": Capitol CLX 104)
Showroom Dummies 6.11 / Europe Endless 9.35 (UK 12": Capitol 12 CLX 104)
Les Mannequins 2.20 [French Single Version] / The Hall of Mirrors 4.41 [Single Version] (French 7": Capitol 2C 006-85211)
Not released in Germany, but in UK, Canada, Japan, Spain and France.
- The Robots / Die Roboter 6.11
- Spacelab 5.51
- Metropolis 5.59
- The Model / Das Model 3.38
- Neon Lights / Neonlicht 8.50
- The Man Machine / Die Mensch-Maschine 5.30 (UK LP: Capitol Records E-ST 11728; German LP: Kling Klang/EMI Electrola 1 C 058-32 843)
Recorded at Klingklang Studio in Düsseldorf by Ralf Hütter (voice + electronics), Florian Schneider (voice + electronics), Karl Bartos (electronic percussion) and Wolfgang Flur (electronic percussion).
May 1978 | 7" | The Robots / Die Roboter |
The Robots 3.42 [UK Single Version] / Spacelab 5.04 [UK Single Version] (UK 7" 12 May: Capitol CL 15981)
Die Roboter 4.20 [Single Version] / Spacelab 3.34 [Single Version] (German 7": Kling Klang/EMI 1C-006-32941)
Sep 1978 | German 7"/12" EP | Das Model |
Das Model 3.38 / Neonlicht 3.21 [Single Version] (7": Kling Klang/EMI 1C 006 45109)
Das Model 3.38 / Neonlicht 3.21 [Single Version] // Die Roboter 4.20 [Single Version] / Trans Europa Express 3.53 [Single Version] (12" EP: Kling Klang/EMI 1C 062-45176)
22 Sep 1978 | UK 7"/12" | Neonlights |
Neonlights 3.28 [Single Version] // Trans Europe Express 3.46 [Single Version] / The Model 3.38 (7": Capitol CL 15998)
Neonlights 9.03 // Trans Europe Express 3.46 [Single Version] / The Model 3.38 (12": Capitol 12 CL 15998)
(1992) | US coll-CD | THE MODEL - THE BEST OF KRAFTWERK [1975-1978] |
- Radioactivity 3.18 (single version)
- Neon Lights 3.27 (single version)
- Showroom Dummies 6.01 [8 sec shorter than LP version]
- The Hall of Mirrors 7.50
- Antenna 3.04 (single version)
- The Model 3.38
- Trans-Europe Express 3.53 (single version)
- Metal on Metal 6.38
- The Robots 3.44 (single version)
- Les Mannequins 6.01 [French version of 'Showroom Dummies']
- Europe Endless 9.35 (Cleopatra, CLEO 57612)
21 April 1981 | 7" | Pocket Calculator / Taschenrechner / Mini Calculateur |
Pocket Calculator 4.33 [Single Version] / Dentaku 4.35 (UK 7": EMI 5175)
Pocket Calculator 4.35 [Single Version] // Numbers 3.19 / Dentaku 4.55 (UK 12": EMI 12 EMI 5175)
Taschenrechner 4.27 [Single Version] / Dentaku 4.33 (German 7": Kling Klang/EMI 1C 006 46365)
Mini Calculateur 4.35 [Single Version] / Dentaku 4.35 (French 7": EMI/Pathe-Marconi 2C 008-64369)
'Dentaku' is a Japanese language version of Pocket Calculator.
- Computer World / Computerwelt 5.06
- Pocket Calculator / Taschenrechner 4.55 [French vocal version "Mini Calculateur" on French LP]
- Numbers / Nummern 3.19
- Computer World 2 / Computerwelt 2 (3.23)
- Computer Love / Computer Liebe 7.16
- Home Computer / Heimcomputer 6.19
- It's More Fun To Compute 4.14 (UK LP: EMI EMC 3370/OC 062-64 370; German LP: Kling Klang/EMI Electrola 1C 064-46 311)
Recorded at Klingklang Studio in Düsseldorf by Ralf Hütter, Karl Bartos, Wolfgang Flur and Florian Schneider.
7 July 1981 | 7" | Computer Love |
Computer Love 3.45 [Single Version] / The Model 3.38 (UK 7": EMI 5207)
Computer Love 7.15 / The Model 3.38 (UK 12": EMI 12 EMI 5207)
Released in UK and Europe but not specifically in Germany. Apparently both A-sides were slightly remixed.
July? 1981 | German 12" | Computerwelt |
Computerwelt (Special Mix) 5.05 // Nummern 3.19 / Computerwelt 2 (3.23) (Kling Klang/EMI 1CK 062-46379)
late 1981 | UK reissue 7" | The Model |
The Model 3.38 / Computer Love 3.45 [Single Version] (EMI 5207)
Same as the previous EMI 5207 but with "The Model" written on the front cover and the A-side and B-side switched.
This was due to The Model getting good UK airplay in late 1981.
Feb 1982 | German reissue 7" | Das Model / The Model |
Das Model (Deutsche Version) 3.39 / The Model (English Version) 3.39 (Kling Klang/EMI Electrola 1C 006-78 078)
Feb 1982 | UK reissue 7"/12" | Showroom Dummies [1982 Remix] |
Showroom Dummies [1982 Remix] 2.38 / Numbers [1982 Remix] 2.37 (7": EMI, EMI 5272)
Showroom Dummies [1982 Remix] 2.38 // Pocket Calculator 4.55 / Numbers [1982 Remix] 2.37 (12": 12EMI 5272)
5 July 1983 | non-LP 7"/12" | Tour de France |
Tour de France (French version) 3.07 / Tour de France (Instrumental) 2.40 (European 7")
Tour de France (German version) 3.07 / Tour de France (French version) 3.07 (German 7": Kling Klang/EMI 165204-7)
Tour de France (Long French version) 6.30 // Tour de France 3.07 / Tour de France (2e Etape) 2.40 (European 12")
Tour de France (Long German version) 6.30 / Tour de France (Long French version) 6.30 (German 12": 1CK 052 16522046)
The '2e Etape' is basically the same as the 'Instrumental' version: both are edited from the 12" version but '2e Etape' does not have the rhythm track.
This single was supposed to be the first single from an LP called 'TECHNO POP' which was planned to be released in the autumn of 1983.
The LP was even given a catalogue number (LP: 1C 064-65087 / MC: 1C 264-65087) and promotional photos were sent out to the press, including a poster
of the (assumed) LP cover. Rumours say that the first LP side had only one track called 'Techno Pop' while side two had three tracks: The Telephone Call, Sex Object and the original long 6.30 version of Tour de France.
No test-pressings were ever made of this LP (although early versions of 'Techno Pop' and 'Sex Object' circulate amongst fans)
but they were all released (reworked) in 1986 on ELECTRIC CAFÉ, except for Tour de France.
Aug 1984 | remix non-LP 7"/12" | Tour de France [Remix] |
Tour de France [Remix Edit/French] 3.46 / Tour de France [original German version] 3.07 (7": Kling Klang/EMI 1C 200376-7)
Tour de France [Remix/German] 6.44 // Tour de France [Remix/French] 6.44 (12": 1CK 052 16522046)
Tour de France (Kevorkian Remix) 6.45 // Tour de France [Remix/French] 6.44 / Tour de France [original German version] 3.07 (12": 1CK 062 2003776)
Various edits were made of these remixed versions all around the world, most certainly by the different record companies
and not by Kraftwerk themselves, so I am not listing them here - it's complicated enough as it is I think. The important
thing here is, Kraftwerk made a new remix themselves (6.44), and Francois Kevorkian made another (6.45).
(5 July 1999) | German CDM/12" | Tour de France |
- Tour de France (Radio Version) 3.07
- Tour de France (Kling Klang Analog Mix) 6.44 [Remix/French]
- Tour de France (Remix Francois K.) 6.45
- Tour de France (original 1983 promo 3 min 7 sec video clip in Quicktime format) (CD-maxi: EMI 7243 8 87421 0 8; 12": EMI 7243 8 87421 6 0)
Oct 1986 | 7"/12" | Musique Non Stop |
Musique Non Stop 4.08 [7" Mix] / Musique Non Stop (Instrumental Mix) 3.19 (UK 7": EMI 5588; German 7": Kling Klang/EMI 1C 006 201508-7)
Musique Non Stop [12" Mix] 6.15 / Musique Non Stop 4.08 [7" Mix] (UK 12": EMI 12 EMI 5588; German 12": 1CK 060 2015236)
- Boing Boom Tschak 2.57
- Techno Pop 7.42 [Spanish vocal version on French LP]
- Musique Non Stop 5.45
- The Telephone Call / Der Telefonanruf 8.03
- Sex Object / Sexobjekt 6.51 [Spanish vocal version on French LP]
- Electric Cafe 4.20 (UK LP/CD/MC: EMI EMD 1001/CDP 7 46416 2/TCEMD1001; German LP/CD/MC: Kling Klang/EMI 1C 064-24 0654 1/CDP 564-7 46420 2/1C 264 24 0644 4)
Recorded at Klingklang Studio in Düsseldorf by Ralf Hütter, Florian Schneider, Karl Bartos and Wolfgang Flur.
Re-released in 2009 as Techno Pop (which was apparently the original, planned title).
Feb 1987 | 7"/12" | The Telephone Call / Der Telefonanruf |
The Telephone Call [English Single Remix] 3.47 / Der Telefon Anruf [German Single Remix] 3.47 (UK 7": EMI 5602)
Der Telefonanruf (German Single Remix) 3.47 / The Telephone Call (English Single Remix) 3.47 (German 7": Kling Klang/EMI 1C 006 201632-7)
The Telephone Call (Remix) 8.10 // House Phone 4.54 / Der Telefon Anruf [German Single Remix] 3.47 (UK 12": 12 EMI 5602)
Der Telefonanruf (Remix) 8.10 // House Phone 4.54 / The Telephone Call (English Single Remix) 3.47 (German 12": 1CK 060 2016336)
later 1987 | US promo various artists CD | HIT IT. DANCE & CONTEMPORARY MUSIC |
- Kraftwerk: Sex Object 3.57 [Edit]
- Kraftwerk: Sex Object (Razormaid Remix by Joseph Watt) 7.41 (Warner Bros. Records PRO-CD-2753)
May 1991 | remix CDM/7"/12" | The Robots / Die Roboter |
- Robotronik 4.52
- Robotnik 7.41
- The Robots (Single Edit) 3.47 [= Robotronik early fade-out] (UK CD-maxi: EMI CD EM 192)
- Die Roboter (Single Edit) 3.43
- Robotnik (Kling Klang Mix) 7.41
- Robotronik (Kling Klang Mix) 4.51 (German CD-maxi: Kling Klang/Electrola 1C 560 2 04325 2)
The Robots (Single Edit) 3.47 / Robotronik (Single Version) 3.46 (UK 7": EMI EM 192)
Die Roboter (Single Edit) 3.43 / Robotronik (Kling Klang Mix) 3.46 (German 7": Kling Klang/Electrola 1C 006 204325 7)
Robotronik 4.51 // The Robots (Single Edit) 3.43 / The Robots (LP Version) 8.56 (UK 12": EMI 12 EM 192)
Robotnik (Kling Klang Mix) 7.41 // Die Roboter (Single Edit) 3.47 / Robotronik (Kling Klang Mix) 4.52 (German 12": 1C 060-2 04325 6)
10 June 1991 | remix coll-CD/2-LP/MC | THE MIX |
- The Robots 8.56
- Computer Love 6.35
- Pocket Calculator 4.32
- Dentaku 3.27
- Autobahn 9.27
- Radioactivity 6.53
- Trans Europe Express 3.20
- Abzug 2.18
- Metal on Metal 4.58
- Homecomputer 8.02
- Music Non Stop 6.38 (UK CD/2-LP/MC: CDEM 1408/EM 1408/TCEM 1408)
- Die Roboter 8.56
- Computerliebe 6.35
- Taschenrechner 4.32
- Dentaku 3.27
- Autobahn 9.27
- Radioaktivität 6.53
- Trans Europa Express 3.20
- Abzug 2.18
- Metall Auf Metall 4.58
- Heimcomputer 8.02
- Musik Non Stop 6.38 (German CD/2-LP/MC: CDP 1C 568-7 96650 2/1C 164-7 96671 1/ 1C 268-7 96650 4)
Remixed and/or re-recorded at Klingklang Studio in Düsseldorf by Ralf Hütter, Florian Schneider and Fritz Hilpert.
Oct 1991 | remix CDM/7"/12" | Radioactivity / Radioaktivität |
- Radioactivity (Francois Kevorkian 7" Remix) 4.09
- Radioactivity (Francois Kevorkian 12" Remix) 7.26
- Radioactivity (William Orbit 12" Remix) 7.22 (UK CD-maxi: EMI CD EM 201)
- Radioaktivität (Francois Kevorkian 7" Remix) 4.08
- Radioactivity (Francois Kevorkian 12" Remix) 7.26
- Radioactivity (William Orbit 12" Remix) 7.23 (German CD-maxi: Kling Klang/Electrola 1C 560 2 04516 2)
Radioactivity (Francois Kevorkian 7" Remix) 4.08 / Radioactivity (William Orbit 7" Remix) 3.49 (UK 7": EMI EM 201)
Radioaktivität (Francois Kevorkian 7" Remix) 4.08 / Radioaktivität (William Orbit 7" Remix) 3.49 (German 7": Kling Klang/Electrola 1C 006 204516 7)
Radioactivity (Francois Kevorkian 12" Remix) 7.26 // Radioactivity (Francois Kevorkian 7" Remix) 4.08 / Radioactivity (William Orbit 12" Remix) 7.23 (UK 12": EMI 12 EM 201)
Radioactivity (Francois Kevorkian 12" Remix) 7.26 / Radioaktivität (Francois Kevorkian 7" Remix) 4.09 // Radioactivity (William Orbit 12" Remix) 7.22 (German 12": 1C 060-2 04516 6)
(Francois Kevorkian 12" Remix) 7.26 / (1991 album Version) 6.53 // (William Orbit Hardcore Mix) 6.13 / (William Orbit Remix) 7.23 (US 12": Elektra 0-66486)
early 1993 | MTV jingle music | Music Non-Stop |
A one-minute jingle made especially for MTV based on an updated version of this 1986 track.
It was used by MTV from 1993-1997. It is easily fund on YouTube.
Kraftwerk eventually released an extended 8:32 version titled "Non Stop" on their "REMIXES" album in 2020 (digital) and 2022 (CD).
June 1999 | German promo CDM | Expo 2000 / "Expo - Jingle" |
- Expo Jingle Deutsch 0.04
- Expo Jingle Englisch 0.04
- Expo Jingle Französisch 0.04
- Expo Jingle Russisch 0.04
- Expo Jingle Spanisch 0.04
- Expo Jingle Japanisch 0.04
6 Dec 1999 | German CDM/12" | Expo 2000 |
- Expo 2000 (Radio Mix) 3.35
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2000) 6.48
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2002) 5.36
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2001) 6.50 (CD-maxi: EMI Electrola/Kling Klang 7243 8 87984 2 6)
- Expo-Jingle 0.30 [six languages]
- Video: Expo-Logomotion 99.00 (0.30)
- Expo 2000 (Radio Mix) 3.35
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2000) 6.48
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2002) 5.36
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2001) 6.50 (limited CD-maxi: 7243 8 87986 2 4)
Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2000) 6.48 / Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2001) 6.50 //
Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2002) [early (unfinished ?) mix] 5.36 / Expo 2000 (Radio Mix) 3.35 (12" 1st pressing: 887 984 6-A1/B1)
Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2000) 6.48 / Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2001) 6.50 //
Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2002) 5.36 / Expo 2000 (Radio Mix) 3.35 (12" 2nd corrected pressing: 887 984 6-A2/B2)
Recorded at Klingklang Studio in Düsseldorf by Ralf Hütter, Florian Schneider and Fritz Hilpert.
Theme from the 2000 Expo in Hannover, Germany (1 June - 31 Oct 2000).
Robert from Germany informed: "There are two official German maxi CDs with two different "2002" mixes.
The first one was released in December 1999 and near the center of the CD is a number which ends with ...@ 1.
The replaced and now "official" version is on a CD with same case, same cat number, but the number ends with ...@ 2.
Almost the same thing happened to the German 12" single. But something else happened too:
The first 12" includes the first "2002" mix and plays 33rpm. EMI replaced this version and rushed into a little mistake:
Every German 12" I know plays side two, with its newer "2002", at 45rpm instead of 33rpm as side one still does.
Here the number at the end of the groove differs: ...A 1 and ...B 1 for the first; the replaced: ...A 2 and ...B 2."
Walter Cescato added:
"I am owner of the two versions of this recording and I have to undercover some well kept secret.
The differences between the two versions are not only on the covers ("holographic logo" vs. "Kraftwerk on stage" plain picture)
and the added video content in the enhanced version... Dear Kraftwerk fans, the mix on this two versions are slight different,
being the more noticeably the added reverb and delay in the "non holographic" later version.
The addition of these effects ends with a remarkable slappy sound on the drum beats!
Even if it is possible these days to add effects in the mastering stage, in my oppinion this is not the case.
The effects are clearly added to the drum parts and this way can be achieved only in the mix.
Ask "Kling Klang" for details... (In addition, the panned pad in the intro distorts: very bad at this pro-level!)".
Jan? 2000 | European CDS | Expo 2000 |
- Expo 2000 (Radio Mix) 3.35
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2002) 5.36
- Video: Expo 2000 (Radio Mix) 3.35 (enhanced CD-single: EMI Electrola/Kling Klang, 7243 8 88369 0 6)
7 Feb 2000 | UK CDM/12" | Expo 2000 |
- Expo 2000 (Radio Mix) 3.35
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2000) 6.48
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2002) 5.36
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2001) 3.50 [Edit]
- Video: Expo 2000 (Radio Mix) 3.36 (CD-maxi: EMI/Kling Klang, CDEM 562)
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2002) (Radio Mix) 3.49
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2000) (Radio Mix) 3.39
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2001) (Radio Mix) 3.50 (promo CD-maxi: CD KLANG 001)
Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2002) 5.36 // (Kling Klang Mix 2000) 6.48 / (Kling Klang Mix 2001) 6.50 (12": 12EM 562)
27 Nov 2000 | German/UK remix CDM/2x12" | Expo Remix |
- Orbital Mix 4.55
- Francois K + Rob Rives Mix 7.20
- DJ Rolando Mix 7.29
- Underground Resistance Mix 3.57
- UR Infiltrated Mix 3.23
- UR Thought 3 Mix 2.43 (German CD-maxi 27 Nov 2000: EMI/Electrola/Kling Klang, 7243 8 89612 2 6; UK CD-maxi [Jan 2001?]: EMI CDEM 583)
DJ Rolando Mix 7.29 / UR Thought 3 Mix 2.43 // Underground Resistance Mix 3.57 / UR Infiltrated Mix 3.23
Francois K + Rob Rives Mix 7.20 / Orbital Mix 4.55 (German 2x12" 27 Nov 2000: 7243 8 89612 6 4; UK 2x12" [Jan 2001?]: 12EM 583)
30 Oct 2001 | US CDM/12" | Expo Remix |
- Expo 2000 (Radio Mix) 3.35
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2000) 6.48
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2002) 5.36
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2000) 6.48
- Expo 2000 (Orbital Mix) 4.55
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2001) 6.50
- Expo 2000 (Francois K + Rob Rives Mix) 7.20
- Expo 2000 (DJ Rolando Mix) 7.29
- Expo 2000 (Underground Resistance Mix) 3.57
- Expo 2000 (UR Infiltrated Mix) 3.23
- Expo 2000 (UR Thought 3 Mix) 2.43 (CD-maxi: Astralwerks, ASW 38768)
(Kling Klang Mix 2002) 5.36 / (Kling Klang Mix 2000) 6.48 // (Orbital Mix) 4.55 / (Kling Klang Mix 2001) 6.50
(Francois K + Rob Rives Mix) 7.20 / (DJ Rolando Mix) 7.29 // (Underground Resistance Mix) 3.57 / (UR Infiltrated Mix) 3.23 / (UR Thought 3 Mix) 2.43 (2x12": ASW 38768)
7 July 2003 | CDM/12"/CDS | Tour De France 2003 |
- Tour De France - Version 1 (3.27)
- Tour De France - Version 2 (3.25)
- Tour De France - Version 3 (3.36)
- Tour De France - Long Distance Version 2 (7.44) (CD-maxi: EMI 552689-2/CDEM 626; 12": 552689-6)
- Tour De France - Version 1 (3.27)
- Tour De France - Version 2 (3.25) (CD-single: EMI 552660-2)
- Prologue 0.31
- Tour De France Étape 1 4.28
- Tour De France Étape 2 6.41
- Tour De France Étape 3 3.56
- Chrono 3.19
- Vitamin 8.09
- Aéro Dynamik 5.05
- Titanium 3.21
- Elektro Kardiogramm 5.16
- La Forme 8.41
- Régéneration 1.16
- Tour De France 5.10 (CD: EMI 591 710 2)
Recorded at Klingklang Studio in Düsseldorf by Ralf Hütter, Florian Schneider, Fritz Hilpert and Henning Schmitz.
Oct 2003 | promo CDS | Elektro Kardiogramm |
- Elektro Kardiogramm (Radio Mix) 3.25 (Capitol Records 7243 5 53365 2 1)
As far as I can tell, this "Radio Mix" is only shorter (edited), not really "remixed".
15 March 2004 | CDM/12" | Aerodynamik |
- Aerodynamik (Kling Klang Radio Mix) 3.45
- Aerodynamik (Kling Klang Dynamix) 7.01
- Aerodynamik (Alex Gopher/Etienne de Crecy Dynamik Mix) 7.42
- Aerodynamik (Francois K Aero Mix) 7.52 (CD-maxi: EMI 548 208-2)
(Kling Klang Dynamix)/(Dynamik Mix)//(Aero Mix) (12": 548 204-6)
6 June 2005 | live 2-CD | MINIMUM-MAXIMUM |
- The Man-Machine 7.55 (Warszawa Sala Kongresowa, 27/5/04)
- Planet of Visions 4.45 (Ljubljana Krizanke, 24/5/04)
- Tour de France Etape 1 4.22 (Riga Olimpiska Hall, 29/5/04)
- Chrono 1.29 (Riga Olimpiska Hall, 29/5/04)
- Tour de France Etape 2 4.48 (Riga Olimpiska Hall, 29/5/04)
- Vitamin 6.41 (Moscow Lushniki, 3/6/04)
- Tour de France 6.18 (Paris Le Grand Rex, 22/3/04)
- Autobahn 8.51 (Berlin Tempodrom, 25/3/04)
- The Model 3.41 (London Brixton Academy, 20/3/04)
- Neon Lights 5.58 (London Royal Festival Hall, 18/3/04)
- Radioactivity 7.42 (Warszawa Sala Kongresowa, 27/5/04)
- Trans Europe Express 5.01 (Budapest Sportarena, 25/5/04)
- Metal on Metal 4.28 (Budapest Sportarena 25/5/04)
- Numbers 4.27 (San Francisco The Warfield, 28/4/04)
- Computer World 2.55 (Moscow Lushniki, 3/6/04)
- Home Computer 5.54 (Warszawa Sala Kongresowa, 27/5/04)
- Pocket Calculator 2.58 (Moscow Lushniki, 3/6/04)
- Dentaku 3.15 (Tokyo Shibuya Ax, 4/3/04)
- The Robots 7.23 (Moscow Lushniki, 3/6/04)
- Elektro Kardiogramm 4.41 (Tallinn Exhibition Hall, 30/5/04)
- Aero Dynamik 7.13 (Riga Olimpiska Hall, 29/5/04)
- Music Non Stop 9.54 (Moscow Lushniki, 3/6/04) (EMI 560 611-2)
5 Dec 2005 | live 2-DVD | MINIMUM-MAXIMUM |
- Meine Damen Und Herren 00.35
- The Man-Machine 07.54
- Planet of Visions 04.46
- Tour De France 03 (10.40)
- Vitamin 06.42
- Tour De France 06.18
- Autobahn 08.52
- The Model 03.42
- Neon Lights 05.52
- Radioactivity 07.41
- Trans Europe Express 09.38
- Numbers 04.33
- Computer World 02.55
- Home Computer 05.55
- Pocket Calculator/Dentaku 06.14
- The Robots 07.23
- Elektro Kardiogramm 04.42
- Aero Dynamik 07.13
- Music Non Stop 09.49
- Aerodynamik (live at the MTV EMA's in Edinburgh in 2003) 03.48
21 Sep 2007 | remix CDM/12" | Aerodynamik + La Forme - Remixed by Hot Chip |
- Aerodynamik (Intelligent Design Remix) 8.31 [remix & add. production by Alexis Taylor/Joe Goddard]
- La Forme (King of the Mountains Remix) 11.32 [remix & add. production by Al Doyle/Felix Martin]
26 May 2017 | remix/re-recording 8-CD/8-LP/2-LP/digital download | 3-D - DER KATALOG / THE CATALOGUE |
- Autobahn 14.27
- Kometenmelodie 1 (5.29)
- Kometenmelodie 2 (3.30)
- Mitternacht 2.15
- Morgenspaziergang 1.17
- Geigerzähler 0.31
- Radioaktivität 6.14
- Radioland 5.55
- Sendepause 0.25
- Nachrichten 1.17
- Ätherwellen 6.01
- Die Stimme der Energie 0.51
- Antenne 3.37
- Radio Sterne 2.19
- Uran 1.26
- Transistor 1.14
- Ohm Sweet Ohm 2.58
- Trans Europa Express 3.21
- Metall auf Metall 2.08
- Abzug 2.24
- Schaufensterpuppen 3.37
- Franz Schubert 1.12
- Europa Endlos 5.52
- Spiegelsaal 5.20
- Die Mensch-Maschine 5.08
- Spacelab 5.27
- Metropolis 5.45
- Das Model 3.38
- Neonlicht 5.43
- Die Roboter 7.44
- Nummern 2.58
- Computerwelt 3.22
- It's More Fun to Compute 1.03
- Heimcomputer 5.09
- Computerliebe 6.33
- Taschenrechner 3.26
- Dentaku 3.08
- Boing Boom Tschak 2.33
- Techno Pop 2.46
- Musik Non Stop 7.45
- Electric Cafe 3.50
- Der Telefon Anruf 2.45
- House Phone 2.30
- Sex Objekt 5.30
- Die Roboter 7.44
- Computerliebe 6.33
- Taschenrechner 3.26
- Dentaku 3.08
- Autobahn 14.27
- Geigerzähler 0.31
- Radioaktivität 6.14
- Trans Europa Express 3.21
- Metall auf Metall 2.08
- Abzug 2.24
- Heimcomputer 6.12
- Boing Boom Tschak 2.33
- Techno Pop 2.46
- Musik Non Stop 7.45
- Planet der Visionen 7.52
- Tour de France 4.18
- Prologue 0.27
- Etape 1 (3.46)
- Chrono 1.12
- Etape 2 (4.59)
- Elektro Kardiogramm 4.37
- Aero Dynamik 5.59
- Vitamin 5.54
- La Forme 6.19
- Regeneration 0.28 (German 8-CD "3-D - DER KATALOG": Parlophone/Kling Klang 0190295873578; 8-LP: 0190295923501)
- Autobahn 14.27
- Kometenmelodie 1 (5.29)
- Kometenmelodie 2 (3.30)
- Mitternacht 2.15
- Morgenspaziergang 1.17
- Geiger Counter 0.31
- Radioactivity 6.14
- Radioland 5.55
- Airwaves 6.01
- Intermission 0.25
- News 1.17
- The Voice of Energy 0.54
- Antenna 3.36
- Radio Stars 2.18
- Uranium 1.26
- Transistor 1.14
- Ohm Sweet Ohm 2.58
- Trans Europe Express 3.21
- Metal on Metal 2.08
- Abzug 2.24
- Franz Schubert 1.12
- Europa Endless 5.52
- The Hall of Mirrors 5.22
- Showroom Dummies 3.47
- The Man-Machine 5.10
- Spacelab 5.28
- Das Model 3.39
- Neon Lights 5.45
- The Robots 7.44
- Metropolis 5.46
- Numbers 2.59
- Computer World 3.21
- It's More Fun to Compute 1.03
- Home Computer 5.08
- Computer Love 6.33
- Pocket Calculator 3.26
- Dentaku 3.08
- Electric Cafe 3.51
- The Telephone Call 2.45
- House Phone 2.30
- Sex Object 5.30
- Boing Boom Tschak 2.32
- Techno Pop 2.45
- Musik Non Stop 7.44
- The Robots 7.44
- Computer Love 6.34
- Pocket Calculator 3.26
- Dentaku 3.09
- Autobahn 14.27
- Geiger Counter 0.31
- Radioactivity 6.16
- Trans Europe Express 3.21
- Metal on Metal 2.08
- Abzug 2.24
- Home Computer 6.11
- Boing Boom Tschak 2.33
- Techno Pop 2.46
- Musik Non Stop 7.45
- Planet of Visions 7.52
- Tour de France 4.18
- Prologue 0.27
- Etape 1 (3.46)
- Chrono 1.11
- Etape 2 (5.00)
- Vitamin 5.55
- Aero Dynamik 6.00
- Elektro Kardiogramm 4.37
- La Forme 6.19
- Regeneration 0.28 (UK/European 8-CD "3D - THE CATALOGUE": Parlophone/Kling Klang 0190295873424; 8-LP: 0190295923518)
22 March 2019 | digital single | Autobahn (Single Edit) [2019 Single Edit] |
- Autobahn (Single Edit) 4.35 [2019 Single Edit] (Parlophone UK)
21 Dec 2020 | digital collection | REMIXES [1991-2020] |
- Non Stop 8.32 [a new extended version of their MTV track from 1993]
- Robotnik (Kling Klang Mix) 7.43 [+ 17 seconds of silence at the end!] [1991]
- Robotronik (Kling Klang Mix) 4.51 [+ 2 seconds of silence at the beginning & 12 seconds of silence at the end!] [1991]
- Radioactivity (William Orbit Hardcore Remix - Kling Klang Edit) 5.35 [shorter than original 6:13 version] [1991]
- Radioactivity (François Kervorkian 12" Remix) 7.26 [1991]
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2000) 6.50 [1999]
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2002) 5:40 [1999]
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2001) 6.49 [1999]
- Expo 2000 (Orbital Mix) 4.57 [2000]
- Expo 2000 (Francois K and Rob Rives Mix) 7.21 [2000]
- Expo 2000 (DJ Rolando Mix) 7.29 [2000]
- Expo 2000 (Underground Resistance Mix) 3.58 [2000]
- Expo 2000 (UR Infiltrated Mix) 3.26 [2000]
- Expo 2000 (UR Thought 3 Mix) 2.43 [2000]
- Aéro Dynamik (Kling Klang Dynamix) 6.58 [2004]
- Aéro Dynamik (Alex Gopher/Etienne de Crecy Dynamik Mix) 7.42 [2004]
- Aéro Dynamik (Francois K Aero Mix) 7.52 [2004]
- Aéro Dynamik (Intelligent Design Mix By Hot Chip) 8.34 [2007]
- La Forme (King of the Mountains Mix by Hot Chip) 11.31 [2007] (Kling Klang/Parlophone)
14 May 2021 | digital single | Heimcomputer (2021 Single Edit) |
- Heimcomputer (2021 Single Edit) 4.45
- Home Computer (2021 Single Edit) 4.45 (Parlophone UK)
25 March 2022 | coll-2-CD | REMIXES [1991-2022] |
- Non Stop 8.32 [a new extended version of their MTV track from 1993]
- Robotnik (Kling Klang Mix) 7.43 [1991]
- Robotronik (Kling Klang Mix) 4.51 [1991]
- Radioactivity (William Orbit Hardcore Remix - Kling Klang Edit) 5.35 [shorter than original 6:13 version] [1991]
- Radioactivity (François Kervorkian 12" Remix) 7.26 [1991]
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2002) 5.40 [1999]
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2001) 6.49 [1999]
- Expo 2000 (Orbital Mix) 4.57 [2000]
- Expo 2000 (Francois K and Rob Rives Mix) 7.21 [2000]
- Home Computer (2021 Single Edit) 4.45 [2021] [not on 2020 digital compilation]
- Expo 2000 (DJ Rolando Mix) 7.29 [2000]
- Expo 2000 (Underground Resistance Mix) 3.58 [2000]
- Expo 2000 (UR Thought 3 Mix) 2.43 [2000]
- Aéro Dynamik (Kling Klang Dynamix) 6.58 [2004]
- Aéro Dynamik (Alex Gopher/Etienne de Crecy Dynamik Mix) 7.42 [2004]
- Aéro Dynamik (Francois K Aero Mix) 7.52 [2004]
- Aéro Dynamik (Intelligent Design Mix By Hot Chip) 8.34 [2007]
- La Forme (King of the Mountains Mix by Hot Chip) 11.31 [2007]
- Tour de France (Etape 2) 4.57 [new edit/mix] [2003/2022] [not on 2020 digital compilation] (Parlophone 0190296504778)
Two tracks missing from the 2020 digital compilation: Expo 2000 (UR Infiltrated Mix) & Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2000).
Two new tracks added.
Copyright (c) 1998-04-10 Jonas Wårstad.
Last update 2022-02-05.
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