Welcome to Discog.Info!
The Homepage of Jonas Warstad

To access my music site, just read on!

Here you will find discographies (lists of what records a given artist or group has released) for almost every group and artist I like.

Nowadays most newly created music is not being released on "discs" but digitally, and mostly for free, on Spotify, YouTube, etcetera. Older music is often sold digitally on various platforms, but is also often available for free on Spotify and YouTube (albeit in lower quality). I try to include all of the music, and thus instead of pure "discographies" my lists become "musicographies". One needs to adapt in order to survive.... at least here on my site you will get a chronological overview on an artist's or group's output, something that is often lacking and thus causing confusion, at least amongst those of us who care about when the music came out and/or was created.

I aim to keep my discographies short enough to quickly show fans which albums, singles, B-sides and rare tracks exist, all in chronological order.
I avoid to include too much information, such as information about all releases around the world, special promotional records etc, unless they contain unique tracks or versions.
In short: they are intended for music fans, not collectors.

Below you will find the artists listed alphabetically, followed by some useful links. All site content is copyrighted. Enjoy!

For information about the four self-help books I have published
(The Psychopath Exposed, The Bully Exposed, Dealing with Difficult and Annoying Co-workers, Think Yourself Happy)
click here.

(My Swedish page) För information om mina svenska böcker och de kurser jag håller, klicka här.

My Nature Photo Blog


This site was first published in August 1996 as 'The Music World of Jonas Wårstad' (located at www.algonet.se/~jonwar). It remained there until November 2003 when I moved it (to http://home.tiscali.se/musicworld/) and renamed it 'MusicWorld'. For various reasons I then decided to get my own domain and on 19 February 2005 all site content moved to this present location.

[buy CDs/DVDs online]